Transitional Farming
We grow blueberries one way: 100% organically. So why use the Certified Transitional Label and not the USDA Organic Label on all of your products?
In order to receive USDA Organic certification, each parcel of land growing blueberries must undergo a three year period with no prohibited substances such as synthetic fertilizers and glyphosate. Our home farm is entirely USDA Organic using regenerative farming methods. With only 1% of farmland in the United States certified organic, we are part of a very select group of farms.
Along the way we have come to realize that for the farm to be economically sustainable we must grow a little bigger in order to spread the costs of growing regeneratively. We have carefully added new farms that are nearby to the home farm, and each then begins the 3 year transition from conventional to organic. Some of our products come from farms that are Certified Transitional.
We are excited to be on this journey, and hope that you will join us by supporting Certified Transitional farming, which is certainly not an endpoint, but an incredibly healthy path to a fantastically nutritious future.